Well, I finally got to meet them. They're perfect, and I love them. What a merry, happy day (just like this season).
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry, Happy
Well, I finally got to meet them. They're perfect, and I love them. What a merry, happy day (just like this season).
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I Miss It
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Preparing for babies
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Emily Visits
A couple weeks ago, my friend Emily came into town for a visit. It was fun! I miss her, and my other Utah friends too. My roommates really wanted to keep her. They pretty much begged her to stay. :)
We tried to find some fun while she was here...but we did a lot of hanging out, and I dragged her around to family things, etc. She's a good sport. In retrospect, I should have taken her to San Francisco. I still feel really bad that I didn't. For some reason, I thought she wanted to stay around Sac-town...then I found out she still hasn't seen Wicked. I felt awful after that, but I think we still had a bit of a good time. Next time, I promise.
We took a little trip down to Old Sacramento, and learned a little more about Gold Mining:
We took a detour to Candy Heaven and tried some free samples (they really were free, we didn't steal). Then we found this fantastic shop where this happened:
We then swung by the Sacramento Temple (aka the Turkey Temple, although I didn't get any pictures of the turkeys)
a. The Folsom Prison is as old as the Salt Lake Temple (100 years)
b. There is a small village after the guard, before the actual gate...people really live there and the minimum security prisoners keep up their yards
c. If you accidentally drive through said village, you have to have your trunk searched to make sure you're not smuggling any of said prisoners out
Fun times, fun times. :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
- It really starts to feel like fall, but its not too cold yet
- Yummy fall food starts to show itself (i.e. Pumpkin EVERYTHING)
- General Conference
- Moving out and having roommates again (okay, this isn't an annual thing, but it happened this October for me)
I should really charge my camera battery so I can be documenting these things...I promise to include photos in the next post.
Happy Haunting!
*Listed in no particular order
Thursday, September 24, 2009
7 Years

Sorria! Voce esta na Bahia!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I Love to See the Temple

I went to the Sacramento Temple for the 8pm session on Thursday night for our ward temple night. There were so many people in the session. Sacramento is a smaller temple, so it normally seats around 50 people in a session. In this session though, they had to bring in 20 folding chairs to accommodate all the people. It was a beautiful thing. I found myself thinking about how amazing it would be if every session was brimming with people. Think of the good that would bring as everyone left filled with hope and love and power. I love the thought.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
It's beginning to look a little like Fall
PLUS, Fall=Halloween (I'm using a lot of "equations" in this post...). The 2 people who actually read this blog know this about me, but, I LOVE HALLOWEEN! So, now that its September, I really need to decide what to be for Halloween.
My current top choices:
Statue of Liberty. IE:

Or Olive Oyl (although I'd really have to convince someone to be Popeye) IE:

OR...a Ghost? A la:

What do you think? Opinions? Any other ideas?
(Note: as you can tell, I think this website is really cool: www.coolest-homemade-costumes.com. Homemade costumes beat ready made hands. down. Every. Time.)
*the ghost costume is courtesy of Martha Stewart online
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Nice man from San Francisco: "It's going to be a hot one today, huh?"
Me: "It's only supposed to be 90 today!!"
NMFSF: " 'Only' 90! You must be from around here..."
I guess it is all relative...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Just another day...
Today, alone, I was told the following:
- A beloved member of my family told me that I may end up marrying someone with multiple children. It was a little awkward...although I have considered this before.
- According to my mom, a woman in our home ward said I will probably be the 2nd wife of a General Authority. Wow. I'm not sure why someone would say that, or even what I should think about that statement, but I know she meant it in a nice way...
On a fairly regular basis (read at least once a week) someone tells me not to worry b/c the Lord is preparing someone special for me...somewhere... Also, I am often told that its "my turn" soon or its "my year". I suppose someday, someone is going to be right when they say that.
Me? I'm living life and not letting my singleness be something that is sad. I trust the Lord. He has a plan. Right now, he wants me here, that's as much as I know. He doesn't usually tell me a lot, just a little and waits for me to do it for a while, then He'll tell me a little more. Frustrating? Sometimes, but my life has been, and continues to be, beautiful, so I'll just keep trusting Him.
I love what President James E. Faust said one time. He was quoting a single friend of his and it symbolizes a part of what I feel:
"When troubled by this single life, that seems to be my lot, I think of all the many men, who's wife I'm glad I'm not."
Word, Pres. Faust. Word.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My family is cool

Cottmans Rule!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Anyway, last night I volunteered to go pick them up from band practice. They were running late, and I forgot how quickly you can get from my parent's house to the high school. I sat there in my car and waited for them. It was weird to look over at campus. Its the same and yet very different. I have a hard time believing its been 10 years since I was at school there. And yet, its obviously been that long b/c so much has happened in my life.

I'm kind of excited that the girls will be in band, so I have a good excuse for going to some of the football games in a couple months.
How would I describe my high school years? Good times, but I'm glad I've moved on. :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
California YSA Conference

Here are a few things that really stood out to me, and that make me grateful that I was able to participate.
- It amazes me that I was one of over 11,000 YSA's throughout the entire of state of California participating in the same events at the same time. We stood together, we exceeded goals, and I do feel like we have, and will be blessed for our efforts.
- In conjunction with the first point, I am amazed at the way we exceeded the goals set before us. In the opening broadcast a few months ago, we watched a video that outlined the goals set for us by the Priesthood Leadership of California. One goal was to have 10,000 attend, instead we had over 11,000. Another goal was to invite a less active or non-member friend to attend with us. As a ward missionary, I can say that we invited on average probably at least 10 every week in our ward alone. I am amazed at the way people stepped up to that challenge. A goal was set for us to do 10,000 ordinances in the temple statewide in the 3 months leading up the conference. As of yesterday, the ordinances that had been counted added up to over 70,000. That amazes me. I can feel the difference this rededication to temple service has made in my life, and I think we can all feel that power.
- The speakers who taught us over the last couple days had the Spirit with them so strongly. I am grateful for the many, many lessons learned (that I won't bore you on at this time:)).
- Quite possibly the thing that stood out to me most was the Sacrament today during our Sacrament Meeting. I have such a great love for the Priesthood of God. I will never cease to be amazed of the power I feel as I watch righteous men of God stand together and serve Him, and act in His name. It reminded me of being in the MTC and watching the Elders in my district practice baptizing. Power. I know I was not the only one touched b/c a girl was asked to bear her testimony later in the day and she mentioned this moment as well.

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Latenight musings
Anyway, obviously my mind is full of lots of different thoughts and none of them really seem like they are connecting. :)
I was thinking about the unique - some might say weird - or quirky things about me. I do pride myself in earning the honor of being the most normal Cottman, but even I have a few things that some people may not consider "normal".
Here are a few I've been thinking about:
- I am a picky eater, but over the years, I have picked up some weird eating habits, but I LOVE them. Amongst these is rice and beans with bananas (SERIOUSLY good, give it a chance and I KNOW you'd love it too!), cake with milk on top eaten with a spoon (delicious), and pickles in Ramen noodles. I think you shoudl try them all!
- I HATE the Ferris Wheel. But, I LOVE roller coasters. Most people can't see the difference, but it is obviously that one you are strapped in nicely while the other you could easily fall to your death as you are not strapped in at all...very unsafe
Boa noite!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
RockPaperScissors GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
In another note, I am getting very excited for HP6. I don't care if that makes me a "nerd".
RockPaperScissors GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
As of Late...
So, what's so great about life? Well, I finally got another grown up job. I am the Executive Admin for a small web design company. I like it a lot so far (day 6). I am excited to continue to learn more and grow with the company. It is amazing how that alone makes me happy. I believe the Lord has led me to where I am.
In other news, I got to go to Utah at the beginning of June for Britta & Spencer's wedding and got to spend time with old friends there. I am grateful for such great friends that I've been blessed to meet in my life. Here are some pics of some of the people I love and got to see that weekend. (I am sad I didn't get to see everyone, especially Tab & family).
I was pondering on how my life has panned out. It is definitely different than I imagined it would be so far, but it has been beautiful. I know the Lord has led me step by step as I have put my faith in him. He knows best. My ideas for my life were good, but his are the best. I have such a strong testimony of that. Yay for a great life!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Life. Is. Good.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Funny Things Happen at Melt Gelato & Crepe Cafe...

- I once had a customer insist I call security b/c she was SURE the man walking by was a bank robber b/c he looked exactly like the man she saw on the news that morning...I'm pretty sure nothing happened
- I am thankful every day that I am no longer a teenager (can also be read "I am thankful every day that I am no longer in high school")
- I once got a $10 tip...I'm that amazing
- On a weekly basis I watch the suspicious ATM machine men fill the machine...deep inside I'm a little scared to look at them too much b/c I'm afraid they may attack
- I get asked at least 572 times a day where the nearest bathroom is
- Interestingly enough, children can always tell that the gelato is ice cream, but adults sometimes can't quite figure it out. It is not rare to hear: "Is that cake?" or "What is that?", and my personal favorite: "Is that cheese?" (the cheese comment has happened at least twice and I am left wondering what kind of cheese these people eat, and why in the world would anyone want a scoopful of chocolate cheese to munch on in the mall.)
- People get a little worked up sometimes in line...I will never understand why people think its ok to argue and fight in front of children all for the sake of gelato...really people, its not that big of a deal
- My favorite comment from a customer was probably, "I tried your ice cream the other day, it's not gelato, it looks like gelato, but its not". Um, ok, thank you sir...enjoy your crepe..
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Dear Universe

I am in love with Gilbert Blythe. Yes, I realize he is a fictional character from a woman's imagination, but I really don't think its too much to ask that I find someone like him. He is everything I want in a man:
- Good
- Kind
- Intelligent
- Driven to succeed
- Knows how to have a good time
- Doesn't take life to seriously
- Loves the object of his affection despite her imperfections
- Oh, and good looking thrown in
Trulie Cordelia
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Little Drakey's a missionary

And for old time's sake...