Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hiking IN Folsom Lake

So, my dad loves, loves, loves hiking. He really goes almost every day. Sometimes I have time to go with him...I wish I did it more. On Saturday, my sisters and I all went with him. We had fun together. Here are some pics of our adventure... This first picture is Sierra and Abbie making their way through the woods. I love the beauty around sisters are beautiful too!!
I mostly put this pic in here to prove Dad was there. :)

This is the river that usually makes up the lake...You can see how low it
is...sad, but its cool to see the history underneath...hope it doesn't last
too long though. :)

Dad and Sierra walking down what is usually the boat ramp...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Shine fine in 2009

January 1, 2009. It's hard to believe that it's 2009 already, for some reason that seems so much later than 2008. Maybe it's because this will be my 10 year anniversary of graduating from high school, or maybe b/c my baby brother is going on a mission soon. Or maybe...maybe a lot of things, but it seems to have snuck up on me...

All day (since midnight last night really) I've been feeling happy and optimistic. I just can't shake the feeling that it's going to be a great year! I'm excited to see what lies ahead! I'll try to be a little more diligent in logging my exciting 2009 adventures on here for you all to enjoy with me. :)

May this new year bring each of you fun, excitement, new adventures and success!