Today I am grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is the most important thing in my life. It has become a part of who I am to the point that I can't separate the rest of me from it. I love this gospel, and the Lord.
We had Stake Conference this weekend and I had to miss last night's sessions since we didn't get back from Santa Barbara until late, but I learned that our Mission President's wife, Sister Pendleton, challenged all the members at the Adult Session to introduce themselves by saying, "My name is Trulie and I'm a Mormon". I am proud to be a part of this great work.
I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Church of Christ. He is at the head. He loves His children and wants us each to be happy. He wants to return to Him and our Father in Heaven. That can happen through this Gospel. It has the power of Christ, which is the power to save. As we live the Gospel, we can become perfect in Christ, which will qualify us, through the Atonement, to return to Heavenly Father and have Eternal Life.
Christ lives. He guides His church. Through living prophets, He guides us today. I am so grateful to know all of that.
January 2025
4 weeks ago
That's great, Trulie - what a neat idea for introductions! :) Hope you're doing well--you pro-runner! I wish I could be that cool. :)
How fun to find your blog..Its fun to know someone else has a familiar face..;)
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