Sunday, August 22, 2010

Things Change

I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about my running.  Sorry, I'll try to post something else next time.  And something with's been a while. :)

I was thinking the other day about how I've always felt about running.  I used to always say, "I hate running". And that was not an exaggeration in the least.  I really did hate it.  Invariably, there would be someone that would say, "I used to hate it too" as if this would inspire me to change.  I would think, every time I heard that, "yeah, but there is no way you hate it as much as I do".  And I really believed it.  These people claimed to have hated running at some point, but now they loved it?  Obviously, they didn't understand my level of hatred towards the sport. I HATED running.  I could not see a way for that to change.

BUT, things do change.  When I was younger I hated a lot more things than I do now.  Coconut, blueberries, peppers, pants (as compared to shorts), etc.  (Yes, I realize most of those things are food, it's all I could think of off the top of my head...I've always been a picky eater).  

I'm not saying running is my most favorite thing to do in the world.  But, I look forward to it, I love the way I feel when I'm done.  I love the way it makes my body feel (except for my aching knees).  I often have to really push myself to finish my run, but at the same time, I enjoy it.  I hope I never stop.

Who would have thought?

1 comment:

Jaclyn said...

that gives me hope. i need to work on reframing my mentality on that running phenomenon. good for you!