Friday, March 4, 2011

Final Countdown

This month is a special one this year.  Most people who read my blog know one of the reasons.  
Exhibit A:
This fun brother of mine comes home from his mission in just 3 weeks from yesterday.  It's hard, and yet easy, to believe that it's been 2 years already!  I'm excited to see him and spend time with him.

But, there is also another reason that this month is special...its my last month in my 20's!  AH!  I'm not really sad about turning 30, but it's weird.  AND, I feel like I should do something special this last month, but I also feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water with work and church, etc.  Anyway, I still want to do something to take advantage of my last month of this decade.  Any ideas??


Elisabeth (and Tyler) said...

Holy cow, he's changed so much!!! CRAZY! Let me know when he's ready to start writing Jordan :) I think you should come to Disneyland for your birthday! I know a great place you can stay, and I'll make you any kind of cake you want!!

Trulie said...

I know, right? He's lost like 80 lbs. I will definitely tell you when he's ready to write Jordan again. Oh my, my dreams would come true if they got married!

I want to come to Disneyland! Sometime this year for sure. One of my mission companions may be coming up from Brazil sometime soon, and if she does, she wants to go to Disneyland...I'll keep you posted. But, even if she doesn't, I still want to go sometime this year. :)

Miss you!

Brad said...

One of my friends baked 30 cakes for her 30th birthday and invited a bunch of people to come/participate. Granted, she had plenty of cake left over, but it was fun to sample it all. She also later did 30 destinations - essentially going to a bunch of places she'd never been before.

Trulie said...

Oooo. Good ideas Brad! Thanks!